Building a Participatory Participation Model for Discussion Based Courses
Project Investigator(s): Kristen Walker, Instructor, Faculty of Land and Food Systems Project Description University discussion-based courses often involve a participation component, including participation evaluation. However, many issues arise in how best to objectively and effectively assess participation. Students often perceive the evaluation process of participation as subjective and dependent on the relationship between the instructor and […]
An Analysis of Curriculum and Pedagogy Through a Consideration of Outdoor Learning Perceptions and Practices in UBC Education Courses
Project Investigator(s): Hartley Banack, Lecturer, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Project Description Much literature indicates that time spent outdoors (TSO): 1) is healthy for us, 2) develops key environmental practices, and 3) enhances learning. However, most learning experiences, in K-12 and post-secondary, predominantly take place indoors. This project considers shifts in student-teacher outdoor learning perceptions and […]
The Role of Metacognition in Developing Transdisciplinary Skills in First Year Engineering Students
Project Investigator(s): Susan Nesbit, Professor of Teaching, Civil Engineering, Naoko Ellis, Pete Ostafichuk, Tanya Tan Project Description This study investigates the influence of metacognition lessons, developed for the first year engineering program, on levels of students’ transdisciplinary skills. We propose the use of a pre-post survey, as well as course performance evaluations to measure student levels […]
HEAL 100: Introduction and Principles of Health and Well-Being: Long Term Impact of Student Health and Academic Success
Project Investigator(s): Sally Willis Stewart, Director, Nutrition Education Centre, Faculty of Health and Social Development Project Description This proposal involves evaluating the transformative new first year health course, HEAL 100 – Introduction and Principles of Health and Well-being, implemented last fall. The positive result of this pilot project is the spark for now wanting to […]
An Examination of the Learning Motivation and Learning Satisfaction of Students Participating in PASS
Project Investigator(s): Christina Sylka, Head, David Lam Management Research Library, Kalenne Thors, Manager, Canaccord Learning Commons, Sauder School of Business, Sunah Cho, Faculty Liaison, Sauder-CTLT, Cassie Gilpin, Student Engagement & Academic Advisor, Sauder School of Business, Tim Huh, Professor, Operations and Logistics, Sauder School of Business, Jonathan Berkowitz, Full-time Lecturer, Operations and Logistics, Sauder School of […]
Pre-Training and Multimedia Presentations for Undergraduate Linguistics
Project Investigator(s): Strang Burton, Instructor, Linguistics Project Description Multimedia resources, because they let students hear speakers and see visuals of speech production, seem like a natural fit for teaching linguistics and languages. But do they actually improve student outcomes and engagement in large undergraduate classrooms? And if so, what specific ways of deploying them work best? […]
Development of a Novel Interprofessional Experiential Rotation in PHRM 473
Project Investigator(s): Jason Min, Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Larry Leung, Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rachel Goossen, MA Student, Educational Studies Project Description Our research project aims to understand the outcomes of a novel practicum rotation for fourth-year PharmD students in 2019-2020. This practicum is the first of its kind at UBC where students will be fully supervised by […]
Persistence in Honours Mathematics
Project Investigator(s): Matthew Coles, Science Education Specialist, Department of Mathematics & The Science Centre for Learning and Teaching (Skylight), Costanza Piccolo, Instructor, Department of Mathematics Project Description In honours mathematics at UBC the success rate (percent of students who enter the program who go on to graduate with honours mathematics) for women is about 30% […]
Animating the Disciplines Through Alumni Engagement: Evaluation of Alumni In Courses as a Pedagogical Tool for the Enhancement of Student Learning
Project Investigator(s): Neil Armitage, Lecturer, Sociology, Jenny Peterson, Christine Lee Project Description This project will assess the impact on student learning of integrating UBC Arts Alumni into elements of two courses in order to evaluate the ways that such initiatives a) further student learning in terms of stated learning objectives b) develop students’ academic and […]
Investigating the Impact of Test Reflection Assignments
Project Investigator(s): Kerry Wilbur, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Project Description Self-diagnosis activities can be an effective method to encourage students to learn from their mistakes on quizzes & exams. I have been using this type of activity in courses of up to 75 students for approximately eight years, but would like to better […]