Assessing the impact of an ungraded creative outreach project in a biology course
Project Lead: Bridgette Clarkston, Botany Project description Biol 320, a third-year algae lab course, includes a multi-week creative project. Students are tasked with creating something (e.g., book, game, etc.) that teaches an audience of their choosing about algae. Students complete a proposal, two drafts and a final product that is shared during a last-class showcase. […]
Student Perspectives on their Learning in Community-Engaged Communication Classes
Project Lead: Sherry Breshears, English & Cultural StudiesCo-Applicant: Jordan Stouck Project description The study investigates student perspectives about their learning in community engaged experiential learning (EL) projects in two communication courses. EL involves participation in “direct experience and focused reflection [to] increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop[students’] capacity to contribute to their communities” […]
Scaling Active and Experiential Learning in Courses through the Syndicate Teaching Model
Project Lead: Fatemeh Salehian Kia, School of Information Project description This project pilots a syndicate teaching model to address the limitations of lecture-based teaching in large computational courses. The model combines shorter lectures to introduce concepts with small-group syndicate sessions, fostering active learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Each syndicate group, led by teaching assistants, engages […]
The impact of clinical and didactic curriculum in Geriatric Dentistry on Ageism attitudes amongst dental studentstitle
Project lead: Nick Tong, Oral Health SciencesCo-applicant: Chris Wyatt Project description The Canadian population is aging. The World Health Organization has identified ageism, both in society as well as amongst health care workers, as being a barrier to optimal health for older adults. The Faculty of Dentistry has allocated dedicated curricular time for Geriatric Dentistry […]
Impact of Generative AI on Case-Based Learning in Dental Education
Project Lead: Anuja Doshi, Oral Biological and Medical SciencesCo Lead: HsingChi von Bergmann Project Description This project will explore the use of Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) in Case-Based Learning (CBL) to enhance student engagement, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning skills in dental education. By adapting to each student’s responses, we expect […]
Beyond Words: Fostering Students’ Engagement with Social Justice through an Unessay Assignment in Nursingg
Project Lead: Lydia Wytenbroek, Nursing Project description Social justice is central to nursing practice, but nursing curricula often fails to employ an antiracist and decolonizing pedagogy (Bell, 2021). Structural issues including the centrality of the biomedical model and a rigid curriculum constrained by regulatory and accreditation processes mean that nursing faculty find it hard to […]
Building Bridges: Architectural Pedagogies in the Geography Classroom
Project Lead: Desiree Valadares, Geography Project description This project considers the effectiveness of architectural pedagogies in allied spatial disciplines such as geography. Building on existing studies and writings on radical architectural pedagogies (Beatriz Colomina), design activism (Greig Crysler) and decolonizing architecture (DAAR’s Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti), this study will investigate how studio-based pedagogical models […]
Investigating interactions between grades and gender in the process of selecting engineering disciplines
Project Lead: Negar Mohaghegh Harandi, School of Biomedical Engineering Project co-leads: Agnes d’Entremont, Associate Professor of Teaching at Mech Eng.; Pete Ostafichuk, Professor of Teaching at Mechanical Eng.; Christoph Sielmann, Assistant Professor of Teaching at Mechanical Eng. Project description Engineering programs overall have under representation of women, but variations exist between programs. […]
Application of AI in German writing assignments on the beginner level
Project Lead: Adelheid O’Brien, Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies Project description The project will investigate the application of AI in German language acquisition on the beginner level with focus on developing and improving writing skills in the target language. The project’s goal is to find out how best students can benefit from integrating AI […]
Beyond positionality and consent: Active learning strategies for increasing awareness of colonial entanglements of academic research in a qualitative methods course
Project Lead: Ulrike Luehe, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Project description This project is concerned with how we raise students’ awareness of the ethical implications of research, beyond the currently available standard tools of institutional review boards, consent, and positionality statements. This requires them to understand the ways academic research is complicit in […]