Assessing active learning in passive environments: The benefits of adding interactivity to educational videos
Project Investigator(s): Kayli Johnson, Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Co-Investigator(s): Simon Lolliot Project Description Active learning techniques are now seen as the gold standard in many classrooms. To make room for interactive classrooms, many instructors have moved their content online. These online materials, however, mimic the passive learning that instructors […]
Fostering Friendships: Investigate the effectiveness of a light tight intervention at fostering community at UBC
Project Investigator(s): Simon Lolliot, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts Co-Investigator(s): Kayli Johnson; Mark Blaser Project Description One of the most fundamental problems that moving online during the COVID pandemic has created is the lack of community that students feel. Close friendships serve as stress buffers during the early days of […]
The TEACHERS Project: Training and Engaging Academics in their Classrooms to positively impact Health, Education and Resiliency in our Students
Project Investigator(s): Sally Stewart, Associate Professor of Teaching, School of Health and Exercise Sciences; Jannik Eikenaar, Assistant Professor of Teaching, School of Engineering Project Description This project investigates the impact of supporting faculty members in adopting course-based interventions to improve student well-being. It follows our phase-one pilot that showed overwhelming positive results, consistent with current […]
Creating An Inclusive Learning Environment in Classrooms with International Students through “Embodied Inter-referencing” Practices
Project Investigator(s): Ayaka Yoshimizu, Instructor, Department of Asian Studies Project Description Advancing reconciliation in classrooms and creating an inclusive learning environment is extremely important at UBC, which continues to occupy the unceded Indigenous land and has a diverse student body. However, doing this with international students is challenging as they come from different geo-politico-historical contexts […]
Evaluating the Impact of Experiential Learning on Land and Food Systems Education – A Longitudinal Study
Project Investigator(s): Will Valley, Senior Instructor, Food and Community (Land & Food Systems); Stephanie Lim, Department of Educational Studies Project Description Since 2005, Land and Food Systems undergraduate students must take two required courses (LFS250, 350) that offer our academically diverse students a common, interdisciplinary, integrative, and progressively more complex experiential learning foundation. LFS250 students […]
Barriers to attending office hours among Biology students – Perceived and Actual
Project Investigator(s): Pam Kalas, Senior Instructor, Department of Zoology and Botany; Sunita Chowrira, Professor of Teaching, Department of Botany Project Description In large university courses, office hours represent unique opportunities for students to receive individualized support from instructors. So much learning is thought to take place during office hours interactions that publishing companies have developed educational […]
Exploration of Dominance and Muting in Student-Led Software Development Meetings
Project Investigator(s): Elisa Baniassad, Instructor, Department of Computer Science Project Description In observing software engineering teams, I have seen that while some students dominate discussions, others feel “muted”. Since meetings involve task assignments and technological choices, quieter students can be sidelined into “housekeeping” work. This has a stratifying effect, further reducing quiet students’ voices at […]
“Paying Attention to Attention”: Exploring the Integration of Games in a Popular Culture Course to Enhance the Quality of the Student Learning Experience
Project Investigator(s): Janice Stewart, Senior Instructor, Institute of Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Project Description This project explores the integration of gaming as a pedagogical tool in a Popular Culture undergraduate course that is taught in the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia. In “Paying Attention to […]
Seating the Scene: Identifying antecedents and consequences of micro-segregation and testing an intervention to disrupt it
Project Investigator(s): Simon Lolliot, Instructor, Psychology, Steven Barnes, Senior Instructor, Psychology, Trish Varao-Sousa, PhD student, Psychology Project Description The present project aims to identify patterns of segregation in university classrooms, and implement a learning tool to ameliorate this segregation. Based on prior research on micro-segregation (segregation that occurs in every-day living spaces, including classrooms), we plan […]
Enriching Educational Experiences in Social Justice and Active Citizenship through Community-Based Experiential Learning
Project Investigator(s): Reginald D’Silva, Senior Instructor and Academic Director, UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Programs, Department of Language and Literacy Education; Ryan Deschambault, Instructor, UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Programs; Amber Moore, PhD Student, LLED and Support Associate Project Description International students in the UBC-Rits Programs (UBC-Rits), as in other programs across UBC, are faced with learning challenges while enrolled […]