Role of classroom instruction for the development of interactional competence: Incomplete sentences in Japanese conversation
Project Investigator(s): Saori Hoshi, Instructor, Department of Asian Studies Project Description This project investigates the development of conversational skills by L2 learners of Japanese in an explicitly instructed setting, focusing on their use of incomplete sentences in free conversations with Japanese native peers. While use of incomplete sentences is a fairly common practice that speakers […]
A Community of Practice Pedagogy and Teaching Social Work Analysis
Project Investigator(s): Antoine Coulombe, Instructor, School of Social Work Project Description In this project, I will explore how the Community of Practice (CoP) pedagogy can be applied in learning Social Work (SW), how it can create a discussion space for challenging subjects; evaluate its principle applications; and determine the limits of this pedagogy. To date, […]
Efficacy of a Voting App for Online Students
Project Investigator(s): Roland Stull, Professor, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; Anthony Di Stefano, PhD Student, Atmospheric Science Project Description Clickers have proven to be an effective way to engage students in face-to-face science courses. Our goal is to give online students a similar learning experience. In a flipped online class environment, our new […]
A Novel Use for High-Fidelity Human Patient Simulation (HPS): Does Integration of HPS into the Speech-Language Pathology Curriculum Facilitate Clinical Competencies?
Project Investigator(s): Stacey Skoretz, Assistant Professor, School of Audiology and Speech Sciences Project Description Health sciences curricula are moving toward competency-based assessments but how this is to be incorporated into speech-language pathology education has yet to be determined. High-fidelity patient simulation (HPS) has been utilized for medical training as it affords safe yet complex learning […]
The Evaluation of Team-Based Learning in a Large Environmental Chemistry Class
Project Investigator(s): Anka Lekhi, Instructor, Department of Chemistry Project Description In Fall 2016, we developed course materials to facilitate Team-based Learning (TBL) in Chemistry 301. Students in a TBL class engage with a case study in pre-assigned teams of 4-6. Teams are required to make a decision about the case using information from pre-reading assignments […]
Exploration of Dominance and Muting in Student-Led Software Development Meetings
Project Investigator(s): Elisa Baniassad, Instructor, Department of Computer Science Project Description In observing software engineering teams, I have seen that while some students dominate discussions, others feel “muted”. Since meetings involve task assignments and technological choices, quieter students can be sidelined into “housekeeping” work. This has a stratifying effect, further reducing quiet students’ voices at […]
Active Engagement with Feedback: Improving Assessment to Foster Learning
Project Investigator(s): Andrew Owen, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science Project Description This project will develop and test strategies that promote active learning during student engagement with formative assessment feedback. I will draw on a review of existing literature and techniques to develop 2-3 specific feedback engagement techniques that will then be experimentally evaluated. Research […]
Improving Real-Time Student Engagement During Large-Class Lectures Using an Online Learning Platform
Project Investigator(s): David Massaro, Lecturer, Pharmacy Practice Project Description Over the past year, I have incorporated an online learning platform (ie. Socrative Pro) to my large class lectures and used it to create a real-time “backchannel” for students to post their questions and comments during my lectures after which I input my responses and post […]
Peer assessing of language proficiency: student-based peer evaluation of oral interviews in real-life job hunting situation
Project Investigator(s): Misuzu Kazama, Lecturer, Department of Asian Studies; Bosung Kim, Educational Consultant: Learning Design, CTLT Project Description Compared to its wide use in higher education, peer assessment has received less attention in language education, in particular as a viable means to involve learners in the evaluation process of speaking skills. While this idea is […]
Blended Practice in large first year courses: Student experiences
Project Investigator(s): Siobhán McPhee, Senior Instructor, Department of Geography Project Description Blended Practice is argued to empower students providing a strong basis for active learning, task-based learning and engaged learning. This project analyses the experience for first year students of using a blended practice approach to their learning through online case studies and by doing […]