Fostering Friendships: Investigate the effectiveness of a light tight intervention at fostering community at UBC
Project Investigator(s): Simon Lolliot, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts Co-Investigator(s): Kayli Johnson; Mark Blaser Project Description One of the most fundamental problems that moving online during the COVID pandemic has created is the lack of community that students feel. Close friendships serve as stress buffers during the early days of […]
PACE (PAtient journey to Cultivate Empathy) Project
Project Investigator(s): Jane Xia, Instructor, Integration Activities, Pharmaceutical Sciences; Tony Seet; Aileen Mira; Paulo Tchen Project Description Teaching students to express empathy is important in a healthcare education curriculum because it builds patient trust, calms anxiety, and improves health outcomes.The purpose of the PACE project is to research the impact of exploring a patient’s journey […]
Embedded psychological skills training to improve student learning outcomes, self-regulation, and psychological well-being
Project Investigator(s): Carolyn McEwan, Instructor, School of Kinesiology Project Description The purpose of this project is to explore how a psychological skills program (including goal setting and attainment strategies, attention focusing, emotion regulation techniques, and self-reflection) embedded in the written assignment structure of an undergraduate core course could improve students’ understanding of course content, academic […]
Evaluating the Impact of Experiential Learning on Land and Food Systems Education – A Longitudinal Study
Project Investigator(s): Will Valley, Senior Instructor, Food and Community (Land & Food Systems); Stephanie Lim, Department of Educational Studies Project Description Since 2005, Land and Food Systems undergraduate students must take two required courses (LFS250, 350) that offer our academically diverse students a common, interdisciplinary, integrative, and progressively more complex experiential learning foundation. LFS250 students […]
Improving the scientific writing of students: An examination of tutorial activities
Project Investigator(s): Maryam Moussavi, Sessional Instructor, Department of Zoology Project Description The project goal is to better assist students’ creation of logical arguments for their scientific writing. Worksheets and activities are being developed to assist with the initial set-up for the current scaffolded assignment, based on previous student feedback. I aim to evaluate the efficacy […]
Enriching Educational Experiences in Social Justice and Active Citizenship through Community-Based Experiential Learning
Project Investigator(s): Reginald D’Silva, Senior Instructor and Academic Director, UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Programs, Department of Language and Literacy Education; Ryan Deschambault, Instructor, UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Programs; Amber Moore, PhD Student, LLED and Support Associate Project Description International students in the UBC-Rits Programs (UBC-Rits), as in other programs across UBC, are faced with learning challenges while enrolled […]