Awarded Projects

The SoTL Seed Program supports a wide variety of projects projects across UBC.

Investigator(s)Department(s)Project TitleYear Awarded
Anuja DoshiOral Biological and Medical SciencesImpact of Generative AI on Case-Based Learning in Dental Education2025
Nick TongOral Health SciencesThe impact of clinical and didactic curriculum in Geriatric Dentistry on Ageism attitudes amongst dental students2025
Fatemeh Salehian KiaSchool of InformationScaling Active and Experiential Learning in Courses through the Syndicate Teaching Model2025
Sherry BreshearsEnglish and Cultural Studies (UBCO)Student Perspectives on their Learning in Community-Engaged Communication Classes2025
Bridgette ClarkstonBotanyAssessing the impact of an ungraded creative outreach project in a biology course2025
Salima AlibhaiDental Hygiene (Oral Biological & Medical Sciences)Evaluating the Integration of the new Social Entrepreneurial Competency into the Dental Hygiene Degree Program (DHDP) Curriculum
Ranjit K. DhariSchool of NursingEvaluation of Nurse 180 - Stress and Strategies to Promote Wellbeing
Luana CarvalhoOral Health SciencesExperience in Simulation Lab compared to Simulation Clinic in Restorative Dentistry Teaching: did this transition affect students' performance?
Jamie Yuen and
Jocelyn Micallef
Pharmaceutical SciencesExploring the Role of AI-Generated Patient Cases in Pharmacy Education: Educator and Student Perspectives

Sana ShahramSchool of NursingGLOW-UP: Gamifying Learning Objectives Within Undergraduate Pedagogies
Jenna UsprechSchool of Biomedical EngineeringImpact of gender on students engineering roles and identity during first co-op work experiences
Gabrielle LamSchool of Biomedical EngineeringImpacts of a Hybrid Model for Cross-Disciplinary Cross-Institutional Student Collaboration
Stella Lee
ZoologyImproving student well-being in Biology lab assessments: An investigation of modifying ungrading to reduce student stress

Amir M. Dehkhoda
Materials EngineeringInvestigating the impact of leadership training on student learning and development of non-technical skills in an engineering laboratory course
Benjamin RamirezCommunity, Culture, and Global StudiesMino-Bimaadiziwin in the Classroom: Challenging and Engaging Students Through Ojibwe Philosophy
Siobhan Wittig McPheeGeographyThe use of spatial sound as a methodology
Jessica Kalra
BPScUnderstanding Student Experiences of Complexity and Discomfort in Team-Based Learning (TBL) Environments
Karina Mochetti
Computer Science Department
Using Auto-graded and random generated questions on a Discrete Math course for CS majors.
Bowen HuiComputer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and StatisticsVisualization Techniques for Team Diagnosis
Sara Ann Knutson
History/ Medieval Studies
Engaging the Multi-sensory Past in the Classroom for Multi-sensory Futures 2024
Natalie Grant
Physical Therapy
Optimizing the learning environment in a distributed physical therapy program, the influence of learning contracts and social responsibility on classroom atmosphere.2024
Summer Xia Li
Chemistry , UBCO
Integrated approach to enhance metacognitive engagement in 1st year chemistry courses at UBC Okanagan2024
Peter M Nelson
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Uses of Storying to Deepen Teacher Candidates' Relationalities: A Narrative Inquiry
Aileen Mira
Integration Activities (Skills Lab) within the Entry-to-Practice PharmD Program
Pharmacy Student Perceptions on the Instruction of Patient Presentation and Communication of Clinical Information Skills Using a Novel and Individualized Online Case-Based Patient Presentation and Therapeutic Discussion Format Between a Pharmacy Student and Pharmacist Instructor. 2024
Lydia Wytenbroek
Beyond Words: Fostering Students' Engagement with Social Justice through an Unessay Assignment in Nursing2024
Negar Mohaghegh Harandi
School of Biomedical Engineering
Investigating interactions between grades and gender in the process of selecting engineering disciplines2024
Dr. Alifa Bandali
Institute for Social Justice (GRSJ)
Teaching with Emotional Pedagogies for A Non-Neutral Classroom2024
Desiree Valadares
Building Bridges: Architectural Pedagogies in the Geography Classroom 2024
Adelheid O'Brien
Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies
Application of AI in German writing assignments on the beginner level2024
Ulrike Luehe
School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Beyond positionality and consent: Active learning strategies for increasing awareness of colonial entanglements of academic research in a qualitative methods course2024
Jungyeul ParkLinguisticsPerception Experiments of Automated Writing Evaluation and Grammatical Error Correction Tools for L2 English Learning Students2023
Eden Fussner-DupasBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyMoving from content and memorization, to critical thinking and applied learning: an experiment in blended learning in the traditional Biochemistry classrooms2023
Zeina BaalbakiChemical and Biological Engineering & Civil EngineeringEvaluating and refining pedagogical strategies implemented in a new UBC capstone design course2023
PJ MurphyOral Biological Medical SciencesImproving Dental Students' Teamwork and Communication Skills through Anonymous Peer Feedback2023
Nazih El-BezreSchool of Journalism, Writing, and Media (JWAM)Literacy Narrative: An Essential Tool to Raise Students' Genre Awareness2023
Roland FletcherPhysical TherapyDoes offering students a choice of assessment help them learn?2023
Surita JhangianiEducational & Counselling Psychology & Special EducationTeacher candidates' understandings of the relevance of relatedness/belongingness across varied class sizes2023
Saranaz BarforoushJournalism Writing and MediaPerceptions of Journalism Students of Journalism2023
Nassim AdhamiSchool of NursingImpact of ICARE Framework on Student Learning in an Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program2023
Biz NijdamCentral Eastern and Northern European Studies & Centre for Migration StudiesEducational Board Games on Migration/Indigeneity2023
David AnekweMaster of Physical TherapyInstructors' Perception of Enablers and Barriers to Effective Course Delivery in a Distributed Learning Environment2023
Laila FerreiraWRDS in the School of Journalism, Writing, and MediaAssessing the Impact of an Anti-Racist Toolkit for the Writing Classroom2023
Brie Weir and Ali Reza LadakOffice of Educational Technology (OETLD) and Integration ActivitiesExamining the impact of online branching community pharmacy case (OBCPC) on pharmacy student attitudes of community practice2023
Pamela KalasZoology and Science Gateway ProgramsDebunking the misconception of genetic essentialism – a pre/post study of first year biology students’ beliefs2023
Jonathan Graves

Vancouver School of EconomicsMetacognition and Student Decision Making 2023
Marcia L. ChoiSchool of Audiology and Speech SciencesWritten reflective practice for developing professional identity and learner confidence2023
Hessam DehghaniAsian StudiesDeveloping the Cultural Diversity Awareness of the Heritage Language Learners, through Community-Based Education 2023
Sally StewartSchool of Health and Exercise Sciences/NursingEMPHASize: developing, implementing and evaluating online curriculum modules for health professional programs 2023
Elly Park
Occupational Science and Occupational TherapyStudent perspectives on engagement in a distributed learning program 2023
Jay MacDonaldOccupational Science and Occupational TherapyDoes a skills inventory, as a formative assessment process, enhance occupational therapy (OT) student's clinical skill acquisition, confidence and reflexive learning?2023
Christopher AddisonChemistryDon't Fear It, Embrace It: ChatGPT in an Upper-Level Chemistry Communication Course 2023
Rishma ChooniedassSchool of Nursing

A curricular evaluation of the Foundations for Inclusive and Respectful Engagement (FIRE) modules 2023
Jillian LernerArt History, Visual Art and TheorySocial Justice Storytelling and Reparative Histories of Photography: An Experiment in Place-Based and Community-Engaged Learning 2023
Natalie ForssmanCommunity, Culture and Global StudiesConnecting the Development of Interdisciplinary Skills and Perspectives on Power, Privilege, and Positionality in Sustainability Education 2023
Kayla FangOffice of Experiential EducationEvaluating Cultural Safety Training in Pharmacy Practice Educators 2023
Nesrine BasheerAsian StudiesHelping Arabic Learners Develop Oral Proficiency: A Comparison of Two Teaching Approaches 2023
Tara IvanochkoEOASEvaluating Student Learning in the new Climate Studies and Action Certificate 2023
Katie Lee BuntingOccupational Science and Occupational TherapyWhy do we test? Decentring power structures in student assessment through agency, choice and partnership

Judy ChanFood, Nutrition, and HealthFostering Learning Community: how may a collaborative learning environment lead to meaningful exploration in an online, synchronous
introductory food science course?

Erin GoheenCoordinated Arts ProgramAssessing the Support Needed for Program-Wide Community-Engaged Learning in the Coordinated Arts Program
Tara MulderDepartment of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies Evaluating the Efficacy, Accessibility, Pedagogical Implications and Labour Costs of Adopting an OER in a Greek and Roman Myth Course
Pheroze UnwallaHistory/Middle East StudiesEmotion(ality and emotive writing: Assessing the impacts in/on the Middle East studies classroom
Andres VarholaForest Resources ManagementMeasuring and enhancing student motivation in forestry undergraduates
Henry YuDepartment of History & Vice-Provost (International)The Impact of International Graduate Student Colleges in Graduate Student Well-being, Development, and Global Citizenship Education
Arun Verma

Pharmaceutical SciencesImpact of small group formation on student learning and experiences in an Entry-to-Practice PharmD program2022
Catherine RawnPsychologyImplications of norm-referenced grading for instructors, TAs, and students2022
Donna DrynanOccupational Science and Occupational TherapyStudent occupational therapists experience of bullying in placements: A national exploratory study2022
Ingrid PricePharmaceutical SciencesSupporting student wellbeing in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences through exploring faculty and staff motivation to implement wellbeing practices2022
Katie FitzpatrickSchool of Journalism, Writing, and MediaMore practice, more feedback, more learning?: Replacing one weekly synchronous class with asynchronous, low-stakes writing practice2022
Neelam DhaliwalOffice of Experiential Education - Pharmaceutical SciencesReady or Not: Aligning Assessments and Program Goals Regarding Practice Readiness in the UBC Entry-to-Practice PharmD Program2022
Dongchen HouAsian StudiesSelf-regulated learning via technology: creative use of digital learning technologies among international students2022
Kayli Johnson; Simon LolliotChemistry Assessing active learning in passive environments: The benefits of adding interactivity to educational videos2021
Simon Lolliot; Kayli Johnson; Mark BlaserPsychology Fostering Friendships: Investigate the effectiveness of a light tight intervention at fostering community at UBC2021
Jane Xia; Tony Seet; Aileen Mira; Paulo TchenIntegration Activities, Pharmaceutical Sciences PACE (PAtient journey to Cultivate Empathy) Project 2021
Luisa Canuto; Misuzu KazamaFrench, Hispanic and Italian Studies Collaborative Online International Project to Develop intercultural Competency2021
Gail HammondFood, Nutrition and Health Trajectories of Students Self-perceptions as Self-directed Learners from Second to Fourth Year2021
Olusegun OyedeleSouthern Medical Program Feedback as a pedagogical tool in the case based learning curriculum at UBC: Is it working?2021
Iris Berger & Melanie Wong
Language and Literacy EducationMapping our Communities: Shifting towards Place-Based Pedagogies in the Primary Years Cohort2021
Rebecca Carruthers Den HoedSchool of Journalism, Writing, and MediaThe Impact of Team-Based Learning (TBL) on Student Writing2021
Antoine CoulombeSchool of Social WorkQueering the School of Social Work and beyond2021
Christine D'Onofrio & Pants RaynerDepartment of Art History, Visual Art and TheoryDisciplinary coherences: Building dialectics through paired interview methods2021
Alon EisensteinSchool of EngineeringImpact of Indigenous-focused module in a second-year technical communication course on engineering students' intercultural understanding as it relates to Indigenous People2021
Nina Hewitt
GeographyConventional vs Digital Field Education in the Biogeosciences: Comparing Student Perceptions and Performance2021
Won KimAcademic English ProgramThinking and writing like a scientist: Affirmation of student identities through functional approaches to academic literacies for emergent multilinguals2021
Christoph Sielmann & Casey KeulenMechanical EngineeringEvaluating Presence for Building Trust and Equity in Multi-campus Courses2021
Marcia GravesMicrobiology and ImmunologyThe healthy skeptic! Building expert-like strategies for critically evaluating claims in primary research papers in undergraduate life sciences2021
Agnes d'EntremontMechanical EngineeringInstructor Perceptions and Reported Practices Around Informal Peer Collaboration on Homework Among Engineering Students2021
Ayaka YoshimizuAsian StudiesCreating An Inclusive Learning Environment in Classrooms with International Students through "Embodied Inter-referencing" Practices2020
Antoine CoulombeSocial WorkA Community of Practice Pedagogy and Teaching Social Work Analysis2020
Maryam MoussaviZoologyImproving the scientific writing of students: An examination of tutorial activities2020
Suzie LavalleeForest and Conservation SciencesReflective essays for affective domain learning in science field courses2020
Saori HoshiAsian StudiesRole of classroom instruction for the development of interactional competence: Incomplete sentences in Japanese conversation2020
Pamela Kalas and Sunita ChowriraZoology and Botany/BiologyBarriers to attending office hours among Biology students: Perceived and Actual2020
Bridgette ClarkstonBotanyCan we help students value biological diversity, especially the biodiversity they may be "blind" to, through participation in a Beaty Museum specimen curation project?2020
Will ValleyLand, Food and CommunityEvaluating the Impact of Experiential Learning on Land and Food Systems Education - A Longitudinal Study2020
Gabrielle LamSchool of Biomedical EngineeringModulating student progression from guided- to open-inquiry to enhance self-regulated learning in a first-year biomedical engineering laboratory2020
Jeanette LeeuwnerChemistryLearning motivation in chemistry: The interplay between value, self-efficacy and learning environment2020
Carolyn McEwanSchool of KinesiologyEmbedded psychological skills training to improve student learning outcomes, self-regulation, and psychological well-being2020
Cheryl A. SegaricSchool of NursingThe lived experience of new teachers' navigation across the landscape of practice in nursing education: A interpretive phenomenological study2020
Sally Stewart; Jannik EikenaarSchool of Health and Exercise SciencesThe TEACHERS Project: Training and Engaging Academics in their Classrooms to positively impact Health, Education and Resiliency in our Students2020
Xiaowen Xu; Bosung KimAsian StudiesEnhance Students' Engagement with Group Writing Project by Optimizing Division of Labour2020
Kelly Allison
Marie Nightbird
Grant Charles
School of Social WorkInvestigating the Impact of Peer Learning on the Development of Communication Skills in Social Work Students2019
Elisabeth BaileySchool of NursingTo Know and Be Known: Enhancing Connectedness and Community in an Accelerated Nursing Program2019
Oluwakemi OlaComputer ScienceExploring Student Engagement in a First-Year Computing Course2019
Robyn PitmanSociology“I can’t wait to start this”: Exploring the Relationship between Non-conventional Assignments, Student Engagement, and Applications Outside the Classroom2019
Kerry WilburPharmaceutical SciencesMultisource Feedback of Interprofessional Competencies: Comparing Assessment Across Disciplines2019
Joss IvesPhysics and AstronomyInvestigating the Impact of Test Reflection Assignments
Agnes d’Entremont
Juan Abello
Negar M. Harandi
Jonathan Verrett
Mechanical Engineering; Chemical and Biological EngineeringStudent Usage Patterns in WeBWorK in Second-Year Engineering2019
Tim Huh
Sunah Cho
Gregory Werker
Sauder School of BusinessEnhancing personalized learning and engagement in a class with large enrolment2019
Jonathan GravesVancouver School of Economics The Effectiveness of Office Hours: A Causal Approach2019
Neil Armitage
Jenny Peterson
Christine Lee
Sociology; Political ScienceAnimating the Disciplines Through Alumni Engagement: Evaluation of Alumni In Courses as a Pedagogical Tool for the Enhancement of Student Learning2019
Jaclyn Stewart
Gary Bull
Holly Munn
Stephen Ney
Jeanie Rhemtulla
Robin Stoodley
Chemistry; Forest Resources Management; English Language and Literacy; Forest and Conservation Sciences Investigating Students’ Responses to Feedback on Their Written Work2019
Matthew Coles
Costanza Piccolo
Mathematics Persistence in Honours Mathematics2019
Katherine Lyon
Kerry Greer
Simon Lilliot
Daniel Riccardi
Jennifer Lightfoot
Vantage CollegeDocumenting the Impact of Course-Embedded Community Engaged Learning on First-Year International Students’ University Transitions2019
Henry Yu
Christina Lee
Joanna Yang
HistoryEvaluating the Impact of Experiential Learning Locally and Abroad on Arts Alumni: A Longitudinal Study2019
Sunnie Wang
Qian Wang
Asian StudiesLearning in Communities in the Classroom and Beyond— Building up and Bringing Business Language into Practice Through Local Community Engagement2018
Strang Burton LinguisticsPre-Training and Multimedia Presentations for Undergraduate Linguistics2018
Christina Sylka
Kalenne Thors
Sunah Cho
Cassie Gilpin
Tim Huh
Jonathan Berkowitz
Sauder School of BusinessAn Examination of the Learning Motivation and Learning Satisfaction of Students Participating in PASS2018
Katja Thieme
Laila Ferreira
Firas Moosvi
EnglishTaking up Metalanguage: Effectiveness of Students’ Think-Aloud vs. ComPAIR Feedback during Peer Review2018
Sally Willis-StewartSchool of Health and Exercise SciencesHEAL 100: Introduction and Principles of Health and Well-Being: Long Term Impact of Student Health and Academic Success2018
Reginald D’Silva
Ryan Deschambault
Amber Moore
Language and Literacy Education- LLEDEnriching Educational Experiences in Social Justice and Active Citizenship through Community-Based Experiential Learning2018
Susan Nesbit
Naoko Ellis
Pete Ostafichuk
Tanya Tan
Civil Engineering; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Mechanical EngineeringThe Role of Metacognition in Developing Transdisciplinary Skills in First Year Engineering Students2018
Hartley BanackCurriculum and PedagogyAn Analysis of Curriculum and Pedagogy Through a Consideration of Outdoor Learning Perceptions and Practices in UBC Education Courses2018
Kristen Walker Applied Animal Biology ProgramBuilding a Participatory Participation Model for Discussion Based Courses2018
Jason Min
Larry Leung
Rachel Goossen
Office of Experiential Education – Interprofessional EducationDevelopment of a Novel Interprofessional Experiential Rotation in PHRM 4732018
Eugenia Yu
Nancy Heckman
Bruce Dunham
Caitlin Donnelly
StatisticsImpact of placement of questions within videos on student learning2018
Simon Lolliot
Steven Barnes
Trish Varao-Sousa
PsychologySeating the Scene: Identifying antecedents and consequences of micro-segregation and testing an intervention to disrupt it2018
Bridgette ClarkstonBotanyExploring the Potential for First-Year Undergraduate Courses to Participate in Research Projects at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum2018
Robin StoodleyChemistryInstructor versus Student Perspectives of Cognitive Tasks in Chemistry Laboratories2018
Janice StewartInstitute of Gender Race sexuality and Social Justice“Paying Attention to Attention”: Exploring the Integration of Games in a Popular Culture Course to Enhance the Quality of the Student Learning Experience2018
Sandra BrownApplied BiologyComplementarity of teaching approaches in Soil Science Education: Instructor and student perspectives2018
Andrew OwenPolitical ScienceActive Engagement with Feedback: Improving Assessment to Foster Learning2017
Misuzu Kazama
Bosung Kim
Asian StudiesPeer Assessing of Language Proficiency: Student-Based Peer Evaluation of Oral Interviews in Real-Life Job Hunting Situation2017
Patrick Culbert
Jeff Howarth
Forest and Conservation ScienceReducing Language-Related Extraneous Cognitive Load for Non-Native English-Speaking Students in the Faculty of Forestry2017
David MassaroPharmacy PracticeImproving Real-Time Student Engagement During Large-Class Lectures Using an Online Learning Platform2017
Marina Milner-Bolotin
Gerald Tembrevilla
Curriculum and PedagogyExploring CLAS Implementation in Physics Teacher Education2017
Anka Lekhi ChemistryThe Evaluation of Team-Based Learning in a Large Environmental Chemistry Class2017
Candice Rideout
Will Valley
Christine Scaman
Rickey Yada
Land and Food SystemsWhat do First-Year Students Need? Assessing Students’ Transition to University Studies to Enhance the First-Year Experience in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems2017
Chris Addison
James Charbonneau
Chemistry; Physics and AstronomyIdentifying Interdisciplinary Connections Using an Ongoing Reflection Activity2017
Christine D’OnofrioArt HistoryStudents as Emerging Artists in Society: Experiential Learning in Visual Arts2017
Carol Ann Courneya
Susan Cox
School of Population and Public HealthA Fresh Look at Visual Note Taking2017
Farah ShroffPolitical ScienceBuilding Bridges between Health and Politics: a New Course at UBC2017
Linda CaseyPediatricsPilot Testing of an Online Nutrition Discussion Forum for the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) and Development of a Strategy to Measure its Impact on Medical Student Outcomes.2017
Maria Carbonetti
Carolina Navarrete
French, Hispanic, and Italian StudiesCommunity-based experiential component in second year conversational Spanish courses: Evaluating Impact on Communicative Performance and Students’ Affective Response to Experiential Learning of a Second Language.2017
Elisa BaniassadComputer ScienceExploration of Dominance and Muting in Student-Led Software Development Meetings2017
Kerry Greer
Katherine Lyon
Thomas Kemple
Susan Grossman
Beyond the Classroom: Assessing the Impact of Community Based Experiential Learning (CBEL) on First Year Arts Students’ Course Performance and Satisfaction
Mark Lam
Katherine Lyon
Brett Todd
Jennifer Lightfoot
Vantage CollegeExploring the linguistic features of multiple choice questions: Evening the Playing Field for English as an Additional Language Students2017
Robert CrawfordPolitical Science
From Pillar to Posts: An Evidence-Based Analysis of Differences and Complementarities between the Traditional Term Paper and Student Blogs
Stacey Skoretz School of Audiology and Speech SciencesA Novel Use for High-Fidelity Human Patient Simulation (HPS): Does Integration of HPS into the Speech-Language Pathology Curriculum Facilitate Clinical Competencies?2017
Su-Jan YeoSchool of Community and Regional Planning
The “Ideathon Challenge” as Pedagogic Method Towards Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Innovation, and Applied Learning: A Case Study
Tara MayerHistoryTeaching Historical Controversy: South Asian Case Studies2017
Zoe SoonSchool of Health and Exercise SciencesBest Case Scenarios that Provide a Case-Load of Fun: Educating with Enhanced Case Studies!2017
Kathryn DarrasRadiology
A Mobile Blended Curriculum: Evaluating a Novel Undergraduate Radiology Teaching App
Roland StullEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric SciencesEfficacy of a Voting App for Online Students2017
Jaclyn Rea
Kate Power
Arts Studies in Research and Writing
Narratives of Affect and Academic Writing: Exploring Student Attitudes to Writing in the Faculty of Arts
Silvia BartolicSociologyQuantitative Arts: Scientists by Nurture2016
Siobhán McPhee GeographyBlended Practice in Large First Year Courses: Student Experiences2016
Charles ParkPharmaceutical SciencesThe Use of Video-Recorded Answer Keys in Pharmacy Practice education2016
Claudia KrebsCellular and Physiological SciencesDoes Flexible Learning in Neuroanatomy have Long-term Impacts on Neurophobia?2016
Catherine Rawn
Stefan Bourrier
The Differential Learning Effects of Paper vs. Digital Textbooks
Jennifer Klenz
Pam Kalas
BotanyUsing a Concept Inventory for Early Identification of "At Risk" Students in Genetics2016
Batoul Shariati
Afsaneh Sharif
Oral Health SciencesMeasuring Change: Improving Methods to Evaluate Case Analysis Assignment Reports in Dental Hygiene Program2016
Eric Meyers
Fred Cutler
School of Library, Archival and Information StudiesReflection by Design: Using Peer Annotation of Video to Enhance Student Learning2016
Chris Addison
James Charbonneau
Chemistry; Physics and AstronomyMeasuring Student Aptitude for Knowledge Transfer Across Disciplinary Boundaries2015
Gail Hammond
Alice Cassidy
Food, Nutrition and HealthNegotiating Change: Determining Readiness for Self-Directed Learning2015
Jenny PetersonPolitical ScienceOn Being Strategic in Selecting Active Learning Techniques2015
Tara Ivanochko
Sara Harris
Phil Austin
Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesTwo Stage Review to Improving Student Application of Concepts2015
Ashley Welsh
Joanne Fox
Vantage CollegeExploring International Students’ Perceptions and Peer Review in a Science Communications Course2015
Susan HollingsheadEarth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesImproving Teamwork Skills in Geological Engineering2015
Phaedra BurkeSauder School of BusinessFlexible learning Student Engagement: a Case Study2015
Sunita Chowrira
Karen Smith
BiologyProductive failure in biology classrooms2015
Christina HendricksPhilosophyTracking a dose-response curve for peer feedback on writing in a writing-intensive, year-long course for first-year students 2014
Candice RideoutFood, Nutrition and HealthFlexible Assessment in large undergraduate classes: a way to enhance student motivation and learning? 2014
Sandra Zappa-HollmanLanguage and Literacy EducationExamining the success of VANT 140 tutorials in supporting international students' academic English development 2014
Michael GriffinPhilosophyEvaluating the impact of humanities coursework on students' practical reasoning and theory of mind: a preliminary study in philosophy 2014
Sally OsborneCellular and Physiological StudiesDeconstructing cutting edge biomedical research 2014

ISoTL is committed to providing an accurate SoTL Seed Projects archive. Should you notice an error or omission, please contact us. Thank you!

Last Updated: August 4, 2021