Impact of ICARE Framework on Student Learning in an Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Project Investigator: Nassim Adhami, Lecturer, School of Nursing

Project description

I have used the ICARE pedagogical framework as a teaching/learning tool for my undergraduate courses to improve student experiences. Improvements in student experiences is defined as students’ perceptions of feeling supported in their learning and being able to apply theory learnt in one class to that of other classes or to the practice of nursing. I am the only faculty using this approach to teaching/learning. Informally, students have indicated that they appreciate this approach and other faculty have shown interest in learning more about the effectiveness of the approach. I would like to formally evaluate student experiences of this framework.

Research questions

  • What are the impacts of incorporating an ICARE framework into the organization and delivery of nursing undergraduate courses on facilitating students’ ability to pull knowledge from various courses to be able to critically think in making nursing diagnosis and creating nursing care plans? Specifically:
    • 1. For undergraduate nursing students, what are the impacts of ICARE framework on facilitating their ability to pull knowledge from different nursing courses in making nursing diagnosis and creating nursing care plan?
    • 2. For undergraduate nursing students, what are the impacts of ICARE framework on experiences of feeling supported?