Project Investigator(s): Chris Addison, Senior Instructor, Department of Chemistry; James Charbonneau, Instructor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Project Description
We will develop an online reflection activity that Science One students complete on a weekly basis while in the program. The activity will ask students to identify major concepts presented in class that week, and to self-identify any connections to topics already covered in the course to-date. As such, this will give us the ability to document, on a weekly basis, the interdisciplinary connection students make as a result of being in the program. The data from this project will be correlated with data from our other interdisciplinary SoTL projects in order to gain a fuller and more deeper understanding of student interdisciplinary thinking.
Research Questions
What interdisciplinary connections are students are making on a weekly basis within the program?
Impact on teaching and learning at UBC
Within UBC, this project could scale with minimal resource requirement, as much of the data analysis could be automated. This could be interesting because it would provide insight into how students taking science courses in the mainstream perceive the connections between the disciplines and whether or not they can make such connections in the absence of a true interdisciplinary experience.