Exploring the linguistic features of multiple choice questions: Evening the Playing Field for English as an Additional Language Students
Project Investigator(s): Mark Lam, Lecturer, Department of Psychology; Katherine Lyon, Instructor, Department of Sociology; Brett Todd, Lecturer, Vantage College Academic English Program; Jennifer Lightfoot, Instructor, Vantage College Academic English Program Project Description Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are a commonly used assessment tool in post-secondary institutions and are often lexically dense and grammatically complex (containing highly packed […]
Beyond the Classroom: Assessing the Impact of Community Based Experiential Learning (CBEL) on First Year Arts Students’ Course Performance and Satisfaction
Project Investigator(s): Kerry Greer, Instructor, Department of Sociology; Katherine Lyon, Instructor, Department of Sociology and Vantage; Thomas Kemple, Professor, Department of Sociology and Chair of First Year Programs in Arts; Susan Grossman, Director, Centre for Community Engaged Learning Project Description Anecdotal evidence from a pilot-year investigation suggests that community-based experiential learning opportunities enhances student engagement […]
Students as Emerging Artists in Society: Experiential Learning in Visual Arts
Project Investigator(s): Christine D’Onofrio, Instructor, Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory Project Description The following research proposal aims to study experiential learning pedagogical models and their methods of execution in a Visual Arts Community Engaged Learning class, VISA 375 Artists in Society. Informed by personal teaching reflection and rigorously determined curriculum models undertaken […]
Pilot Testing of an Online Nutrition Discussion Forum for the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) and Development of a Strategy to Measure its Impact on Medical Student Outcomes
Project Investigator(s): Linda Casey, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics Project Description We are developing an on-line discussion forum to provide an opportunity for medical students to explore the relationships between nutrition and health, and consider nutrition-related problems and questions that may arise in patient care. At designated points throughout the first-year curriculum, a nutrition-focused […]
Community-based experiential component in second year conversational Spanish courses: Evaluating Impact on Communicative Performance and Students’ Affective Response to Experiential Learning of a Second Language.
Project Investigator(s): Maria Carbonetti, Lecturer, French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies; Carolina Navarrete – Postdoctoral Fellow (Liu Institute – French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies) Project Description This project will create assessment tools and surveys for evaluating the impact of the community-based experiential learning component in Conversational Spanish courses on communicative performance (oral, aural, and cultural) and […]
Exploration of Dominance and Muting in Student-Led Software Development Meetings
Project Investigator(s): Elisa Baniassad, Instructor, Department of Computer Science Project Description In observing software engineering teams, I have seen that while some students dominate discussions, others feel “muted”. Since meetings involve task assignments and technological choices, quieter students can be sidelined into “housekeeping” work. This has a stratifying effect, further reducing quiet students’ voices at […]
A Fresh Look at Visual Note Taking
Project Investigator(s): Carol Ann Courneya, Associate Professor, Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences; Susan Cox, Associate Professor, School of Population and Public Health Project Description This project will focus on the role of visual learning for undergraduate medical students at UBC. Medical students often feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information they are required […]
Active Engagement with Feedback: Improving Assessment to Foster Learning
Project Investigator(s): Andrew Owen, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science Project Description This project will develop and test strategies that promote active learning during student engagement with formative assessment feedback. I will draw on a review of existing literature and techniques to develop 2-3 specific feedback engagement techniques that will then be experimentally evaluated. Research […]
Exploring CLAS Implementation in Physics Teacher Education
Project Investigator(s): Marina Milner-Bolotin, Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy; Gerald Tembrevilla, PhD student, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Project Description For the last three years, we have used extensively Collaborative Learning Annotation System (CLAS) developed at UBC in physics teacher education. While we have collected ample data, we haven’t had an opportunity to […]
Improving Real-Time Student Engagement During Large-Class Lectures Using an Online Learning Platform
Project Investigator(s): David Massaro, Lecturer, Pharmacy Practice Project Description Over the past year, I have incorporated an online learning platform (ie. Socrative Pro) to my large class lectures and used it to create a real-time “backchannel” for students to post their questions and comments during my lectures after which I input my responses and post […]