Enhancing personalized learning and engagement in a class with large enrolment
Project Investigator(s): Tim Huh, Professor, Sauder School of Business, Sunah Cho, Gregory Werker Project Description This case study examines the value of student employees (graduate and undergraduate students) who took various roles behind the scenes of the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) project as contributors to the development of supplementary resources (tutorial videos and […]
Student Usage Patterns in WeBWorK in Second-Year Engineering
Project Investigator(s): Agnes d’Entremont, Instructor, Mechanical Engineering, Juan Abello, Negar M. Harandi, Jonathan Verrett Project Description Online homework systems allow students to input answers to calculated problems, and get instant feedback on correctness. These systems often allow students multiple attempts, allowing them to correct errors in understanding. We would like to determine if patterns of […]
Investigating the Impact of Test Reflection Assignments
Project Investigator(s): Kerry Wilbur, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Project Description Self-diagnosis activities can be an effective method to encourage students to learn from their mistakes on quizzes & exams. I have been using this type of activity in courses of up to 75 students for approximately eight years, but would like to better […]
Multisource Feedback of Interprofessional Competencies: Comparing Assessment Across Disciplines
Project Investigator(s): Kerry Wilbur, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Project Description Health professionals may be asked to evaluate students who train in their direct patient care settings but who are from outside their own discipline. This study seeks to gain greater understanding as to how these individuals form judgements of student competencies in programs […]
To Know and Be Known: Enhancing Connectedness and Community in an Accelerated Nursing Program
Project Investigator(s): Elizabeth Bailey, Instructor, School of Nursing Project Description Undergraduate nursing students at UBC face unique challenges to their wellbeing and academic tenacity given the accelerated nature of their program (18 months), swift transition into stressful clinical learning environments, ethical dilemmas encountered in practicum, in addition to personal stressors outside of the academic context. […]
Investigating the Impact of Peer Learning on the Development of Communication Skills in Social Work Students
Project Investigator(s): Kelly Allison, Instructor, School of Social Work; Marie Nightbird, Instructor, School of Social Work; Charles Grant, Associate Professor, School of Social Work Project Description Interpersonal and verbal communication skills are central to effective social work practice. Social workers often rely on communication and interviewing skills to make sense of complex situations including difficult […]
Exploring Student Engagement in a First-Year Computing Course
Project Investigator(s): Oluwakemi Ola, Instructor, Computer Science Project Description As mental health issues rise in academia, there is a need for integrated approaches to support student wellbeing. In this project, we aim to explore students’ behavioral and emotional engagement in a first-year computing course (CPSC 110) to better understand how such factors impact their performance […]
“I can’t wait to start this”: Exploring the Relationship between Non-conventional Assignments, Student Engagement, and Applications Outside the Classroom
Project Investigator(s): Robyn Pitman, Lecturer, Sociology Project Description This project explores student engagement and student perceived benefits of a non-conventional method of assessment in a 3rd year family studies course called Relationship Development. Students complete the Relationship “Hack” Infographic assignment. An infographic is a visual representation of information. Students create their assignment for the public, […]