Awarded Projects

Teaching with Emotional Pedagogies for a Non-Neural Classroom

Project Lead: Dr. Alifa Bandali, Institute for Social Justice (GRSJ) Project description In light of escalating global politics and the residuals of the Covid-19 pandemic, students are increasingly in need of more opportunities to discuss how they are living and feeling the world around them in the classroom. Faculty are not always equipped to provide […]

Pharmacy Student Perceptions on the Instruction of Patient Presentation and Communication of Clinical Information Skills Using a Novel and Individualized Online Case-Based Patient Presentation and Therapeutic Discussion Format Between a Pharmacy Student and Pharmacist Instructor.

Project Lead: Aileen Mira, Integration Activities (Skills Lab) within the Entry-to-Practice PharmD Program Co-leads: Colleen Brady, Associate Professor of Teaching (FoPS) & Solomon Chow, Lecturer and Pharmacist (FoPS) Project description This project aims to better understand student perspectives of using a novel and individualized online case-based discussion between a pharmacy student and pharmacist instructor in […]

Uses of Storying to Deepen Teacher Candidates’ Relationalities: A Narrative Inquiry

Project Lead: Peter M Nelson, Curriculum and Pedagogy Project description Lived experience is continuous, temporal, and social, and we make sense of our experiences as narratives’ stories told and retold, revised and recomposed, upon streams of continuous experience. Using narrative inquiry methods to investigate lived experiences, this project will explore the use of storying practices […]

Integrated approach to enhance metacognitive engagement in 1st year chemistry courses at UBC Okanagan

Project Lead: Summer Xia Li, Chemistry, UBCO Project description Metacognition is a persons’ knowledge about the cognitive processes necessary for understanding and learning. Students with strong cognitive skills know how to learn, can self regulate the learning process, and become self reflective, life long learners. Unfortunately, most students come to universities tend to lack these […]

Optimizing the learning environment in a distributed physical therapy program, the influence of learning contracts and social responsibility on classroom atmosphere

Project Lead: Natalie Grant, Physical Therapy Project description The UBC Master of Physical Therapy program is now a “distributed program” and operates at four geographically separate sites. Using the “hub and spoke” model of distribution, on any given day a different site may operate as the “hub” with the lead instructor teaching in-person to those […]

Engaging the Multi-sensory Past in the Classroom for Multi-sensory Futures

Project Lead: Sara Ann Knutson, History/ Medieval Studies Project Description This project generates pedagogical engagements with the global past by activating multi-sensory learning. In particular, it assesses the transformative potential of engaging with a diversity of sensory information on students’ ability to (1) access more inclusive (including anti-colonial and anti-racist) perspectives from the non-Euro-western past; […]

Visualization Techniques for Team Diagnosis

Project Lead: Bowen Hui, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics UBCO Project description Our context is to help instructors form teams in large classes using a tool we built called Teamabe Analytics. In large classes, there are typically too many constraints (expressed by the instructor and/or in combination with the student preferences). When Teamable Analytics […]

Using Auto-graded and random generated questions on a Discrete Math course for CS majors.

Project Lead: Karina Mochetti, Computer Science Department Project description CPSC 121 teaches the math fundamentals for Computer Science students. A lot of TA time is used for grading, making it exhausting for TAs, increasing the number of mistakes, and taking TAs away from other important instructional tasks. Furthermore, this is also stressful for students who […]

Understanding Student Experiences of Complexity and Discomfort in Team-Based Learning (TBL) Environments

Project Lead: Jessica Kalra, BPSc Project description We aim to study how team-based learning (TBL) ”a pedagogical approach designed to curate complex learning activities for students” facilitates transformative learning. Little is known about student experiences of the complexity encountered in TBL classrooms, the discomfort students feel when faced with complex learning, the strategies students develop […]

The use of spatial sound as a methodology

Project Lead: Siobhan Wittig McPhee, Geography Project description This research explores “spatial empathy,” a concept that examines how diverse experiences interact within a specific location. Based on interviews with faculty and students on the transition to online teaching and learning during the Covid pandemic, I have created immersive 3D audio artifacts with the aim of […]