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Rachel Lin

Rachel Lin

PhD student, Special Education (High Ability) Rachel is currently pursuing a Ph.D. that explores students’ perceptions of failure experiences. Her other research and professional interests include developing higher-order thinking skills, making tools for inclusion and equity in the classroom, and fostering positive classroom and school culture. Rachel is a longtime Vancouverite and UBC student. She […]

Fatemeh Salehian Kia

Fatemeh Salehian Kia

Assistant Professor of Teaching, School of Information fatemeh.salehiankia [at]

Andrés Varhola

Andrés Varhola

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Forest Resources Management andres.varhola [at]

Luisa Canuto

Luisa Canuto

Associate Professor of Teaching, French, Hispanic and Italian Studies luisa.canuto [at]

David Anekwe

David Anekwe

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Physical Therapy david.anekwe [at]