Fatemeh Salehian Kia
Assistant Professor of Teaching, School of Information fatemeh.salehiankia [at] ubc.ca
Andrés Varhola
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Forest Resources Management andres.varhola [at] ubc.ca
Luisa Canuto
Associate Professor of Teaching, French, Hispanic and Italian Studies luisa.canuto [at] ubc.ca
David Anekwe
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Physical Therapy david.anekwe [at] ubc.ca
Nassim Adhami
Lecturer and Undergraduate Electives Co-coordinator, School of Nursing nadhami [at] mail.ubc.ca
Peter Arthur
Professor of Teaching, School of Education peter.arthur [at] ubc.ca
Siobhán Wittig McPhee
Associate Professor of Teaching, Geography siobhan.mcphee [at] geog.ubc.ca
Dongwook Yoon
Associate Professor, Computer Science yoon [at] cs.ubc.ca
Ali Reza Ladak
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Pharmaceutical Sciences ali.ladak [at] ubc.ca
Zoë Soon
Associate Professor of Teaching, Biology zoeanne.soon [at] ubc.ca