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Exploring the Role of AI-Generated Patient Cases in Pharmacy Education: Educator and Student Perspectives

Project Leads: Jamie Yuen and Jocelyn Micallef, Pharmaceutical Sciences Project description Case-based learning (CBL) and simulations offer valuable opportunities for pharmacy students to apply their learnings to real-practice and develop patient care skills. Given the time and skill required to create effective and authentic cases, this project will explore the role of generative artificial intelligence […]

Experience in Simulation Lab compared to Simulation Clinic in Restorative Dentistry Teaching: did this transition affect students’ performance?

Project Lead: Luana Carvalho, Dentistry Project description This project aims to assess the impact of transitioning from clinic simulation to the simulation lab on students’ and instructors’ experiences in Restorative Dentistry preclinical settings. Through surveys and evaluations of clinical outcomes, we seek to understand how this shift may influence students’ performance, self-assessment skills, ergonomics, and […]

Evaluation of Nurse 180 – Stress and Strategies to Promote Wellbeing

Project Lead: Ranjit K. Dhari, School of Nursing Project description With the aim of supporting students at UBC, faculty members from the School of Nursing designed a first-year undergraduate course entitled ‘NURS180: Stress and Strategies to Promote Well Being’. This course introduces “students from any program of study to foundational knowledge related to stress, stressors, […]

Evaluating the Integration of the new Social Entrepreneurial Competency into the Dental Hygiene Degree Program (DHDP) Curriculum

Project Lead: Salima Alibhai, Dental Hygiene (Oral Biological & Medical Sciences) Project Description The DHDP has recently completed a curriculum renewal process from which a new Social Entrepreneurship & Leadership (SEL) course was developed and implemented in the 2023W academic year. This new SEL course is a required 4th-year course and is the first of […]