SoTL Dissemination Fund

Applications are reviewed once a month and notifications are sent by the 15th of the following month. Note: Receipts must be submitted within 60 days after purchasing to be eligible.

We invite you to review the SoTL Dissemination reports for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.


The Office of the Provost and VP Academic offers $60,000 on a pilot basis to support dissemination of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) work. Funds are managed and adjudicated by the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISoTL).

The Fund supports the publication of research on teaching and learning in higher education with direct implications for UBC.

Grant holders are expected to contribute to SoTL activities at UBC in order to build capacity in the field. These contributions may include hosting a professional development workshop, participating as a panelist in an ISoTL event, hosting a lunch-and-learn, etc.

If you are seeking funding for a publication, also consider these additional UBC sources for funding support:


Any full-time faculty member at UBC can apply for the award, which can be used for the following dissemination expenses:

  • Conference registration and travel costs (up to $1,000).
  • Article Processing Charges (APC) or other fees related to publishing open access (up to $2,000).

A faculty member can only be awarded the grant once every 24 months. Co-applicants are encouraged, but please note that funding is per project, not per person. Please note that co-applicants must also be faculty members at UBC, and that applicants cannot apply on behalf of others (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, sessional instructors, etc.).

*Please note that if your application is successful, all receipts must be submitted within two months from the time of purchase.


The following criteria will be used to adjudicate this competitive award:

All applications must demonstrate a direct link to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Successful applications will have explicit implications for pedagogy and student learning in higher education (at UBC).

This means that applications will demonstrate: a) an ongoing, rigorous, systematic, and evidence-based evaluation of student learning in a particular course or program the applicant is currently investigating; b) student involvement in the inquiry process, as appropriate; and c) a commitment to disseminate new pedagogical knowledge which can lead to further forms of inquiry about teaching and learning practices in higher education.

The SoTL Dissemination Fund also prioritizes applications that reflect current (within 5 years) inquiries into teaching and learning. It supports work that informs curricular and pedagogical innovations in a particular course(s) at UBC or that makes substantive contributions to program-level reform and curriculum development. Novel teaching and learning initiatives will also be considered.

Journal and conference submissions must also be “accepted” (or “minor revisions”) at a venue where the focus is on teaching and learning in higher education. Please note that “submitted” and/or “under review” submissions will not be considered.

  • If applying to cover the cost of open access publication in a journal, the journal must be peer reviewed, have a DOI, an impact factor, be indexed in major databases, or have a similar metric used in that particular discipline.
  • If applying for travel/conference registration costs, the conference must be organized by a nationally or internationally recognized scholarly organization. The accepted conference submission must be peer reviewed.
  • For conference presentations involving multiple authors, only one award of up to $1000 will be granted.
  • Preference will be given to articles or chapters published in journals or monographs that provide free access to readers for all of their articles (i.e., a fully open access journal or monograph), as listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

You can view a listing of past dissemination fund awardees.


For reference, a Word version is available for download and review as you prepare your online application. When you are ready to submit your completed application, please submit via Qualtrics.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us at