Principal Investigator: Jungyeul Park, Lecturer, Department of Linguistics
Project description
L2 instructors and students believe that the teachers are not doing their job if they do not provide feedback on the essays from students (Cho, 2018). Automated writing evaluation (AWE) and grammatical error correction (GEC) tools may offer potential solutions for reducing the workload for both teachers and students. Such systems meet the need for better practices in the digital age by providing immediate scoring with corrective feedback. We propose running student perception experiments to see how language learners perceive results from the automated system without human instructor intervention. To the best of our knowledge, using AWE and GEC together in the context of their perception by students has never been tested before.
Research questions
- How do language learners perceive results from the automated system without human instructor intervention?
- Are language learners comfortable with automated feedback including grades and correction (including system’s functionalities: its correctness, fairness, feedback delivery speed, etc.)?