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Natasha Pestonji-Dixon profile image

Natasha Pestonji-Dixon

Evaluation & Research Consultant natasha.pestonji-dixon [at]

matty jullamon profile image

Matty Jullamon

mjullamon [at] PhD student, Human Development, Learning, & Culture Matty’s research interests include critical thinking and inquiry-based learning in the science classroom. Prior to joining ISoTL, she worked as a research associate for a non-profit organization, where she conducted quantitative research to investigate the impact of a literacy-based program on student learning outcomes. She […]

leilani forby profile image

Leilani Forby

lforby [at] PhD student, Cognitive Psychology Leilani received a Master’s in cognitive science from UBC, and a Master’s in clinical psychology from Pepperdine University. Prior to her studies at UBC, she was as a behavior interventionist for children and adolescents with varying disabilities, and a behavioral coach in programs that provided social skills training for autistic […]

yue mao profile image

Yue Mao

yue.mao [at] PhD student, Measurement, Evaluation & Research Methodology Yue is interested in conducting educational research in a scientific manner. So she delves into quantitative methodologies in her study at UBC. Her research in substantive areas surrounds academic and vocational interests, and decision-making (e.g., choosing college majors, entrepreneurial intention). She received her master’s and […]

Trish Varao-Sousa

Trish Varao-Sousa

Evaluation & Research Consultant trish.varao-sousa [at]

Adriana Briseño-Garzón profile image

Adriana Briseño-Garzón

Senior Manager, Research and Evaluation adriana.briseno [at]

jackie stewart profile image

Jackie Stewart

Professor of Teaching, Chemistry Associate Dean Academic, Science jstewart [at]

chris addison profile image

Chris Addison

Associate Professor of Teaching, Chemistry addisonc [at]

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Pam Kalas

Associate Professor of Teaching, Zoology & Botany kalas [at]

Jessica Kalra

Jessica Kalra

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Pharmaceutical Sciences jessica.kalra [at]