Past Events

The Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning develops events and workshops to meet the various teaching and learning needs of the UBC community. The page includes event details and relevant documents from past sessions that we have hosted. Because we often repeat sessions, only the newest iteration of a workshop will be posted.

Best Practices in Survey Design (November 14, 2024)

While surveys are one of the most commonly used data collection methods, designing effective surveys that elicit useful and insightful data can be challenging. In this workshop, we discussed how to decide if a survey is the best method as your evaluation tool, provided tips on good survey design and question writing. A .ppt of the slides is available.

Best Practices in Focus Groups and Interviews (October 23, 2024)

This session discussed when to use focus groups or interviews as evaluation methods and shared best practices for how to integrate them into your SoTL projects. Tips for planning, administrating and analyzing focus groups and interviews were shared. A .ppt of the slides is available.

An Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (September 24, 2024)

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) uses systematic inquiry with the goal of improving teaching and learning by making findings public (Hutchings, & Shulman, 1999; Potter & Kustra, 2011). This session offered a breakdown of the definition of SoTL, information on the cycle of SoTL stages, and tips on how to start the journey of becoming a SoTL practitioner. A PPT of the slides is available.

Data Visualizations for Teaching and Learning Projects: Tips and Tricks (July 10, 2024)

This session provided examples of easy ways to improve visualizations of teaching and learning project outcomes, and discussed why some visualization types are clearer than others. We also shared guiding principles for creating your own visualizations. A PDF of the slides is available.

Getting your SoTL work published (June 25, 2024)

In this interactive session, we discussed different approaches to writing SoTL and invited participants to reflect on their motivations for writing about teaching and learning in higher education as a pathway to identifying relevant publication outlets. We also reviewed and discussed two publications with the goal of determining valuable points and frameworks for writing. A PDF of the slides is available.

Classroom Evaluation and Research: Do I Need Ethics Approval? (June 11, 2024)

This session provided insight on what type of classroom inquiry might require BREB review, and what work can be done without ethics review. This workshop also detailed the ethical considerations for conducting research and evaluation in the classroom. A PDF of the slides is available.

SoTL Seed Info Session and Consultation (April 25, 2023)

To support prospective applicants to the SoTL Seed program, this session offered an explanation of the Seed support model, eligibility, criteria for success, and tips on writing your proposal. Following the information session, the ISoTL team provided individual project consultation. A PDF of the slides is available.

CTLT Winter Institute ePoster Session: Showcase your SoTL Work (December, 2020)

This lightning round of UBC SoTL e-posters provided an opportunity to engage with an online community of colleagues about their SoTL project experiences. Copies of the presentations are available.

Evaluating the Impact of Experiential Learning (May, 2019)

This workshop offered guidance on developing a focused and manageable evaluation plan for EL projects/courses.

The Scholarship of Feedback (April, 2019)

In this session, participants were guided on how to identify opportunities to evaluate feedback-giving practices and provided common strategies to evaluate student perceptions, engagement with feedback, and impact on learning.