Safeera Jaffer
safeera [at] PhD student, Educational Studies Safeera (she/her) completed her Master of Arts degree in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University. Her research interests focus on engaged, critical pedagogy in higher education as well as anti-oppressive teaching and learning practices.
Gray Mullen
gmullen [at] PhD student, Cognitive Psychology Gray is interested in connections between cognitive science and media studies. In research conducted during a B.S. in Cognitive Science at UC Santa Cruz and during an M.A. in Psychology at UBC, he studied the impact of virtual reality on time perception. As a Ph.D. student, he now […]
Rachel Lin
PhD student, Special Education (High Ability) Rachel is currently pursuing a Ph.D. that explores students’ perceptions of failure experiences. Her other research and professional interests include developing higher-order thinking skills, making tools for inclusion and equity in the classroom, and fostering positive classroom and school culture. Rachel is a longtime Vancouverite and UBC student. She […]
JungAh Lee
jungah.lee [at] PhD student, Special Education JungAh Lee is sub-specialized in MERM and has been involved in research projects to enhance educational outcomes and mental health for diverse student populations. Her master’s work explored the effects of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on elementary students’ academic interests and social dynamics in inclusive classrooms. Following […]
Ariane Faria (on leave)
arianefs [at] PhD student, Curriculum & Pedagogy Ariane’s research interests include math classroom practice and curriculum implementation to improve opportunities to learn for students with different backgrounds. During her Ph.D. program, she is particularly interested to understand how learning studies and variation theory can support British Columbia math teachers to make decisions in the […]
Rosie David
rosa.david [at] PhD student, Language & Literacy Education Rosie holds a Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from Portland State University. She has served as the Chair of TESOL International’s Supporting Students with Disabilities and as the Associate Editor of the Latin American Journal of Content & Language […]
Charlo Dufresne-Camaro
chcamaro [at] PhD student, Computer Science (UBCO) Charlo’s research interests focus on human-computer interactions and visual perception, specifically for information visualization in augmented reality. His research involves conducting psychophysical experiments, and developing new visual interfaces better suited for augmented reality users. Charlo holds a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, as […]
Yue Guo
yueguo90 [at] PhD student, Special Education (Learning Disabilities) Yue’s research includes academic assessment and intervention for children with/at risk of learning disabilities, in the area of literacy development in particular. Through her research, she hopes to empower children with learning difficulties to meet their full potential and support their families and teachers. With her […]
Danielle Burrell-Kim [at] PhD student, Language & Literacy Education Danielle completed her MA in Teaching English as a Second language at UBC, and she teaches English for Academic Purposes in a higher education context in the U.S. Her research interests include language ideologies and gender socialization and performance in education. In addition, she extends these […]
Matty Jullamon
mjullamon [at] PhD student, Human Development, Learning, & Culture Matty’s research interests include critical thinking and inquiry-based learning in the science classroom. Prior to joining ISoTL, she worked as a research associate for a non-profit organization, where she conducted quantitative research to investigate the impact of a literacy-based program on student learning outcomes. She […]