Application of AI in German writing assignments on the beginner level

Project Lead: Adelheid O’Brien, Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies

Project description

The project will investigate the application of AI in German language acquisition on the beginner level with focus on developing and improving writing skills in the target language. The project’s goal is to find out how best students can benefit from integrating AI tools in their German writing assignments and simultaneously keeping in focus issues concerning academic integrity.

Research questions

The primary research question is twofold. How does using AI to provide language correction feedback impact 1) learning and improving foreign language writing skills and 2) how does it impact student meta-cognitive insights and self-directed learning?

Revising one’s own texts is an important process of writing and is very important for linguistic, text-related and content learning and should therefore be practiced systematically and regularly. The meaningful application of AI tools can make this process more engaging and equitable, motivating students to practice writing in the target language more frequently which will improve their overall language proficiency.