Using Auto-graded and random generated questions on a Discrete Math course for CS majors.

Project Lead: Karina Mochetti, Computer Science Department

Project description

CPSC 121 teaches the math fundamentals for Computer Science students. A lot of TA time is used for grading, making it exhausting for TAs, increasing the number of mistakes, and taking TAs away from other important instructional tasks. Furthermore, this is also stressful for students who cannot get feedback in a proper amount of time. This project aims to assess the impact of replacing exams, with auto-graded questions using PrairieLearn. Twelve randomized and auto-graded questions per module were created and will be available for students to practice. Similar versions of those will be used as examlets to happen biweekly.

Research questions

  • Do students feel more prepared for exams using the auto-graded randomized method?
  • Do students trust more the fairness of grading when it is done by an auto-graded method?
  • Do students perform better in this method than in a traditional grading method?