Improving student well-being in Biology lab assessments: An investigation of modifying ungrading to reduce student stress

Project Lead: Stella Lee, Zoology

Project description

Ungrading offers students the opportunity to separate their learning from a letter grade and be more receptive to the written feedback that helps to further improve their understanding and performance. However, it can potentially pose an additional burden on the students that induces unintentional stress and anxiety (see next section).

Research questions

  • Is an initial round of peer feedback of laboratory reports an appropriate and sufficient scaffolding step for encouraging collaboration but more importantly, minimizing potential stress and anxiety associated with ungrading?
  • Ungrading inevitably places additional workload onto the students; what is the most appropriate way to implement the peer review stage of ungrading to ensure the increased workload does not burden the students or deter them from the ungrading and learning process?
  • Is encouraging the students to work in pairs to openly discuss their lab report evaluation a way to incorporate some transparency to the process of ungrading?