GLOW-UP: Gamifying Learning Objectives Within Undergraduate Pedagogies

Project Lead: Sana Shahram, School of Nursing, UBCO

Project description

This SoTL project seeks to implement a novel approach to gamification and collective learning practices into an introductory-level undergraduate course in Health and Exercise Sciences. This project will explore the efficacy of gamification as measured by students’ class attendance, critical engagement with topics, and mastery of learning objectives regardless of learning style. We will triangulate multiple sources of data (as highlighted in the tentative research plan below), and apply the research team’s expertise in equity analysis to examine the value and impact of the new approach on students’ learning and satisfaction with the course delivery.

Research questions

  1. Does gamification improve class attendance?
  2. Does gamification support critical engagement with topics?
  3. Does gamification support different learners to showcase their mastery of learning objectives?