We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the SoTL Dissemination Fund Grantees on sharing their SoTL work with the broader community!
- EMPHASize: Learning Module for Professional Health Awareness on Weight Stigma and Eating Disorders
Sally Stewart | Faculty of Health and Social Development | School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Conference presentation at Obesity and Hypertension: From Science to Solutions - How can a Longstanding Norm-Referenced Grading Policy Impact Teaching and Learning? Leveraging Qualitative Research for Culture Change in a Quantitative Department
Catherine Rawn | Faculty of Arts | Psychology
Conference presentation at Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Preparing Social Work Students to Work with 2S/LGBTQI+ Populations: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the UBC BSW Program
Antoine Coulombe | Faculty of Arts | School of Social Work
Conference presentation at Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference – Congress of the Humanities at McGill - Oral Presentation: Development of Ethics and Language Inclusivity Guide for teaching Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology to Nursing Students and Poster Presentation: Development of Open Education Resources for Teaching Human Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology
Zoe Soon | Faculty of Science | Biology
Conference presentation at Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Education (CASN) Education Conference - Redesigning an Interprofessional Collaboration Practicum to Constructively Align with the Interprofessional Competency Framework
Alex Tang | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Conference presentation at AFPC Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference 2024 - “This should be included in our normal content”: Evaluation of an upper-year 2SLGBTQ+ pharmacy classroom-based elective
Tristan Lai | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Office of Experiential Education
Conference presentation at Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference 2024 - From inspiration to implementation: Creating and implementing a theatre-based resource for graduate supervision
Susan M. Cox | Faculty of Medicine | School of Population and Public Health
Conference presentation at Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Coaching the Question
Bronwen Tate | Faculty of Arts | School of Creative Writing
Conference presentation at Association of College and University Teachers of English (part of CONGRESS) - Assessing the Effectiveness of a Hybrid model through a comprehensive evaluation plan
Luisa Canuto | Faculty of Arts | French, Hispanic and Italian Studies
Conference presentation at American Association Teachers of Italian And Canadian Association of Italian Studies - Development and Implementation of Minor Ailments Prescribing Activities within Program Year 1 of an Entry-to-Practice PharmD Program
Gilly Lau | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Conference presentation at Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference - Approaches to Preparing for Experiential Practicums in Pharmacy (APPLY)
Kayla Fang | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Conference presentation at CPERC 2024 (Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference) - Faculty Members Who Prefer Teaching First-Year University Students: Insights from an Exploratory Case Study
Kari Marken | Sauder School of Business | Law & Business Communications
Conference presentation at CSSE’s 52nd Annual Conference : Canadian Society for the Study of Education - Heuristics for Problem Framing: Collaborative Scaffolding in Design Thinking Education
Angèle Beausoleil | Sauder School of Business |
Conference presentation at 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024) - Braiding Priorities: Color-Conscious Language and Literacies Instruction in K-8
Kathryn Accurso | Faculty of Education | Language and Literacy Education
Conference presentation at Annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) - Instructor perceptions and reported practices around informal peer collaboration on homework among engineering students
Agnes d’Entremont | Faculty of Applied Science | Mechanical Engineering
Publication in European Journal of Engineering Education - A self-directed module to empower engineering students to engage with equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigeneity
Roza Vaez Ghaemi | Faculty of Applied Science | Chemical and Biological Engineering
Presentation at the Canadian Engineering Education Conference
- Reconceptualizing Open Pedagogy in the Post-Pandemic Classroom to Meet Transformative Goals
Oral Robinson | Faculty of Arts | Sociology
Conference presentation at XX International Sociology Association World Congress of Sociology - Program-Level Assessment
Alireza Bagherzadeh | Faculty of Applied Science | Chemical and Biological Engineering
Conference presentation at Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference (CEEA 2023) - Choice-based Personalization in MOOCs: Impact on Activity and Perceived Value
Sara Harris | Faculty of Science | Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Publication in International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education - Transmediating Race and Senses through Subtitling in Japanese Language Classroom
Saori Hoshi | Faculty of Arts |Asian Studies
Conference presentation at Uncommon Senses IV conference - The use of bonus marks as an incentive to encourage independent learning
Jason Min | Pharmaceutical Sciences
Conference presentation at Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference - Requiring mobile devices in the classroom: the use of web-based polling does not lead to increased levels of distraction
Georg Rieger | Faculty of Science | Physics/Astronomy
Publication in Journal of STEM Education Research - Thinking and writing like a scientist: Affirmation of student identities through functional approaches to academic literacies for emergent multilinguals
Won Kim | Vantage College
Conference presentation at Japanese Association for College English Teaching (JACET) - Linguistic Diversity and Inclusive Multiple Choice Assessment: Implications for Teaching First Year Sociology Courses
Katherine Lyon | Faculty of Arts | Sociology
Conference presentation at XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (Sociological Teaching section session) - Multiple presentations: An Open CS1 Learning Platform to Promote and Incentivize Deliberate Practice; JUnit++: Simplifying Unit Testing for Autograding in an Open Learning Platform; Using Open Technology to Bring Computational Thinking Activities to the Outdoors
Bowen Hui | UBCO Science | Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics
Conference presentation at The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) - Using senior undergraduate students as coaches in an introductory chemical engineering design course
Roza Vaez Ghaemi | Faculty of Applied Science | Chemical and Biological Engineering
Conference presentation at Canadian Engineering Education Asscociation (CEEA-ACEG) 2023 - Therapeutic use of self as relational pedagogy: Student and educator perspectives
Katie Lee Bunting | Faculty of Medicine | Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Conference presentation at International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - Enhancing Student Learning and Engagement in a Large Enrolment Food Microbiology Course
Patricia Hingston | LFS | Food Science
Conference presentation at IFT FIRST (Institute of Food Technologists Annual Scientific Meeting and Expo) - Proposed Metrics for Summarizing Student Evaluation of Teaching Data from Balanced Likert Scale Surveys
Leah Macfadyen | Education | Language and Literacy
Cogent Education - CREATE’ing improvements in first-year students’ science efficacy via an online introductory course experience
Blaire Steinwand | Science | Zoology
Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education - The transition between engineering education and practice: Insights from a sabbatical working in engineering industry
Jonathan Verrett | Applied Science | Chemical and Biological Engineering
Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering 2023 Conference
- Assessment for Learning in the Virtual Russian Language Classroom
Veta Chitnev | Faculty of Arts | CENES
Conference presentation at the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages - The Sentence as Itself: Vivifying Grammar in Writing Classrooms
Bronwen Tate | Faculty of Arts | Creative Writing
Conference presentation at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference - A Novel Instructional Media for Accessible Teaching and Education (ANIMATE)
Alex Tang | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science | Office of Experiential Education
Poster presentation at the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference - Utilizing Near-Peer Teaching in a Pharmacy Community Service Learning Course
Tristan Lai | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science | Office of Experiential Education
Poster presentation at the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference - Circles of Learning: Decolonizing and Indigenizing Health Professional Education Programs (HPEPs)
Tal Jarus | Faculty of Medicine | OSOT
Presentation at the Canadian Conference on Medical Education - Transitioning Students from Class to Practice – A Review of Institutional Practice Skills Course in Entry- to-Practice PharmD Program
Kayla Fang | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science | Office of Experiential Education
Poster presentation at the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference - Emotion(ality) and Emotive Writing: A SoTL Study into the Impacts in/on the Middle East Studies Classroom
Pheroze Unwalla | Faculty of Arts | History and Middle East Studies
Presentation and Roundtable at the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting - Integrating intercultural perspective into all levels of language courses (in Covid times and beyond)
Luisa Canuto | Faculty of Arts | French, Hispanic and Italian Studies
Presentation at the Canadian Association of Italian Studies - Collaborative Online International Projects to Develop Intercultural Competency
Luisa Canuto | Faculty of Arts | French, Hispanic and Italian Studies
Presentation at the American Association for Teachers of Italian - Survey data analysis of engagement and self-efficacy in a concurrent hybrid modality
Suborna Shekhor Ahmed | Faculty of Forestry | Forest Resource Management
Presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada - Development of a data science CURE in microbiology using publicly available microbiome datasets
Evelyn Sun | Faculty of Science | Microbiology & Immunology
Publication in Frontiers in Microbiology - Creating equitable and inclusive first-year biology, chemistry, and physics courses
Jaclyn Stewart | Faculty of Science | Chemistry
Presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference 2022
- The role of pragmatic instruction in L2 interactional competence: Learners’ use of Japanese interactional particles ne, yo, and yone in spontaneous conversation
Saori Hoshi | Faculty of Arts | Asian Studies
Versions of the work presented at 3 conferences: Second Language Research Forum; 17th International Pragmatics Conference; American Association for Applied Linguistics 2021 Virtual Conference - Facilitating Peer Learning & Mentorship through Liberating Structures
Oral Robinson | Faculty of Arts | Sociology
Taylor Institute 2021 Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching - Exploring the Value of Student Work in Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning
Tim Huh | Sauder School of Business
Production and Operations Management Society POMS 31st Online Conference - Decolonizing a Classroom with International Students from Asia
Ayaka Yoshimizu | Faculty of Arts | Asian Studies
Conference presentation at the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education Annual Conference & Exhibition - Optimal Assessment Weighting: A Backwards Approach
Jonathan Graves | Faculty of Arts| School of Economics
Conference presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - Promoting Inclusion in Online Learning: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic a Multi-Institutional Study
Silvia Bartolic | Faculty of Arts | Sociology
Conference presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Designing a laboratory course that reduces stress, increases confidence, and encourages beneficial behaviours related to primary scientific literature use
Marcia Graves | Faculty of Science | Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Presentation at SABER West - Students as Emerging Artists in Society
Christine D’Onofrio | Faculty of Arts | Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory
Presentation at Lilly Conference: Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning - Integrating Online Daily Clinical Assessments in Canadian Dental Hygiene Education
Susan Schmitz | Faculty of Dentistry | Oral Biological and Medical Sciences
Poster presentation at the American Dental Educators Association (ADEA) Annual Session & Exhibition - A Three-Party Case Study: Exploring the Value of Student Work in Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning
Woonghee Tim Huh | Sauder School of Business
Presentation at Production and Operations Management (POM) Society Annual Conference 2020 [Conference postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic] - Community of Practice: A pedagogy to foster professional engagement in an analysis course in Social Work
Antoine Coulombe | Faculty of Arts | School of Social Work
Workshop at 31e congrès de l’Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire sur le thème : Redéfinir l’expérience d’enseignement et d’apprentissage | Osons l’avenir [Conference postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic] - Is it feasible to allow hundreds of inexperienced undergraduate students to contribute to curation projects at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, with benefits to everyone involved?
Bridgette Clarkston | Faculty of Science | Botany
Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference [Conference postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic] - Facilitating Peer Learning & Mentorship through Liberating Structures
Oral Robinson | Faculty of Arts | Department of Sociology
Workshop at University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching [Conference postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic] - Humanizing Patient Case Scenarios Using the Humanities
Marion Pearson | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Presentation at Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference [Conference postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic] - Food Science Curriculum Renewal: Scaffolding Student Learning and Enhancing Industry Preparedness
Patricia Hingston | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Poster presentation at Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting - Development of a peer-reviewed open-access undergraduate research journal
David Oliver | Faculty of Science | Microbiology and Immunology
Publication in Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education - Exploratory Factor Analysis of a survey on group-exam experiences
Joss Ives | Faculty of Science | Physics and Astronomy
Presentation at the American Association of Physics Teachers Conference - Towards an equity competency model for sustainable food systems education programs
Will Valley | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Publication in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene - Educational resources and curriculum on lactation for health undergraduate students: A scoping review
Suzanne Campbell | Faculty of Applied Science | School of Nursing
Publication in Journal of Human Lactation
- Experiential Engagement with New International Students: Turning Public Spaces into Learning Spaces through Augmented Reality Walking Tours
Siobhan McPhee | Faculty of Arts| Geography
Conference presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Conference - Multisource feedback of interprofessional competencies: how communication and collaboration are viewed across health disciplines
Kerry Wilbur | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Conference Presentation at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education - Assessing Dental Hygiene Students’ Readiness for Interprofessional Learning
Zul Kanji | Faculty of Dentistry | Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences
Conference presentation at the American Dental Education Association Annual Session & Exhibition - The Impact of PHarmacy Students as Educators (PHASE) and a Simulated Teaching Environment in an Entry-to-Practice PharmD Program at UBC
Tony Seet | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Conference presentation at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education - OnTask: A Learning Analytics Tool to Provide Personalized Feedback to Increase Student Motivation and Success
Sandra Brown | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Conference Presentation at the Mount Royal Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Small changes, big gains: a curriculum-wide study of teaching practices and student learning in undergraduate biology
Patricia Schulte | Faculty of Science| Zoology
Publication in PLOS – One - Japanese Cinema: De-centering film studies and visual literacy pedagogy
Colleen Laird | Faculty of Arts| Department of Asian Studies
Conference Presentation at Japan and the World – The world Japan International Symposium, 2019 - Beyond Care Providers: A “LEAP” into A Leadership Course with Professionalism as the Overarching Ethos
Patricia Gerber | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Academy for Professionalism in Health Care 7th Annual Meeting - Fostering civic engagement and global citizenship through an optional experiential learning assignment in an upper-year elective course: Students’ perspectives up to five years after course completion
Candice Rideout | Faculty of Land and Food Systems | Food, Nutrition and Health program
Conference presentation at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) Annual Conference - Reducing Classroom Anxiety Through a Student-Generated Model of Participation
Kristen Walker | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Conference presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - Investigating the Effects of Reducing Linguistic Complexity on EAL Student Comprehension in First-year Undergraduate Assessments
Daniel Riccardi and Jennifer Lightfoot | UBC Vantage College
Conference presentation at the British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes - Pedagogy and Evaluation of Experiential Learning
Suzie Lavalle | Faculty of Forestry
Ecological Society of America Annual General Meeting; Louisville, Kentucky, USA - Introductory Soils Courses: A Frontier of Soil Science Education in Canada & Augmented Reality Brings the Role of Topography in Soil Formation to Life
Maja Krzic | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
2019 International Soils Meeting – “Soils Across Latitudes”; San Diego, California, USA
2019 Canadian Network for Innovation in Education; Vancouver, BC, Canada - Against the odds: Experiences of Canadian Medical Learners with Disabilities
Tal Jarus | Faculty of Medicine | Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Canadian Conference on Medical Education; Niagara Falls, ON, Canada - Plagiarism Revisited: A Culture- and Genre-Sensitive Approach to Academic “Dishonesty”
Suzanne James | Faculty pf Arts | English Language & Literatures
College English Association Conference; New Orleans, Louisiana, USA - Validity and Reliability of a Concept Test to Measure Students’ Abilities to Qualitatively Rank Acid and Base Strength
Jackie Stewart | Faculty of Science | Chemistry
Spring 2019 ACS National Meeting & Exposition; Orlando, Florida, USA - Quantitative Arts: Improving Student Attitudes Towards Quantitative Research Methods
Silvia Bartolic | Faculty of Arts | Sociology
Lily Conference: Teaching for Active and Engaged Learning; Anaheim, California, USA - Toward a Digital Pedagogy in the Creative Writing Workshop
John Vigna | Faculty of Arts | Creative Writing
European Association of Creative Writing Programmes; Barcelona, Spain - Critical Geographies of Education: Why bother with Educational Technologies?
Siobhan McPhee | Faculty of Arts | Geography
Annual American Geographers Conference; Washington DC, USA - An Analysis of Curriculum and Pedagogy Through a Consideration of Outdoor Learning Perceptions and Practices in UBC Education Courses – Initial Patterns
Hartley Banack | Faculty of Education | Curriculum & Pedagogy
Physical and Health Education National Conference; Montreal, QC, Canada