Amundsen, C., Emmioglu, E., Hotton, V, Hum, G. & Xin, C. (2016). The intentional design of a scholarship of teaching and learning initiative. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 146, 31–38.
Felten, P. (2013). Principles of good practice in SoTL. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 1 (1), 121-25.
Hubball, H. T., & Gold, N. (2007). The scholarship of curriculum practice and undergraduate program reform: Integrating theory into practice. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 112, 5-14.
Moghtader, B., Briseño-Garzón, A., Varao-Sousa, T., & Roll, I. (2022). Faculty and Student Partnerships in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Evaluation of an Institutional Model. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 10.
Ethics & Scholarly Integrity
Burman, M., & Kleinsasser, A. (2004). Ethical guidelines for use of student work: Moving from teaching’s invisibility to inquiry’s visibility in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The Journal of General Education, 53(1), 59-79.
Fedoruk, L. (2017). Ethics in the scholarship of teaching and learning: Key principles and strategies for ethical
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Hutchings, P. (2003). Competing Goods: Ethical issues in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Change, 35(5), 26-33.
Maurer, T. (2017). Guidelines for authorship credit, order, and co-inquirer learning in collaborative faculty-student SoTL projects. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 5(1), 115-31.
Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical conduct for research involving humans – TCPS 2 (2022).
- Understanding SoTL by the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching
- Researching Teaching and Student Outcomes in Postsecondary Education: A Guide by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Annotated SoTL Bibliography curated by Dr. Nicola Simmons, Faculty of Education, Brock University
- Three Steps to Planning a SoTL Lesson Study (University of Calgary)
- Roadmap for SoTL (Utrecht University, 2021)
Bernstein, J. L. (2018). Unifying SoTL methodology: Internal and external validity. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 6(2), 115-126.
Divan, A., Ludwig, L. O., Matthews, K. E., Motley, P. M. & Tomljenovic-Berube, A. M. (2017). Survey of research approaches utilised in the scholarship of teaching and learning publications. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 5(2).
Grauerholz, L., & Main, E. (2013). Fallacies of SoTL: Rethinking how we conduct our research. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in and Across the Disciplines, 152-168.
Gurung, R.A.R. (2014). Getting foxy: Invoking different magesteria in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 2(2), 109-114.
Hubball, H. T., & Clarke, A. (2010). Diverse methodological approaches and considerations for SoTL in higher education. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(2).
Newhart, D. W. (2013). When is a survey more than a survey? About Campus, 18(3), 30-32.
Pearson, M. L., Albon, S. P., & Hubball, H. (2015). Case study methodology: Flexibility, rigour, and ethical considerations for the scholarship of teaching and learning. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(3), 12.
Webb, A. (2015). Research interviews in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal, 8(1), 1-8.
Webb, A. S. & Welsh A. J. (2019). Phenomenology as a methodology for scholarship of teaching and learning research. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 7(1), 168-181.
Qualitative Methods
DeJong, M., & Schellens, P. (1998). Focus groups or individual interviews?: A comparison of text evaluation approaches. Technical Communication, 45, 77–88.
Maguire, M. & Delahunt, B. (2017). Doing a thematic analysis: A practical, step-by-step guide for learning and teaching scholars. All Ireland journal of higher education.
Quantitative Methods
Boeren, E. (2018). The Methodological Underdog: A review of quantitative research in the key adult education journals. Adult Education Quarterly, 68(1), 63–79.
Mixed Methods in Education
Leech, N. L., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2009). A typology of mixed methods research designs. Quality & quantity, 43(2), 265-27.
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research Methods in Education. Eighth edition, Routledge.
Mathison, S. (1988). Why triangulate? Educational Researcher, 17(2), 13-17
Onwuegbuzie, A. J. & Hitchcock, J. H. (2017). A meta-framework for conducting mixed methods impact evaluations: Implications for altering practice and the teaching of evaluation. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 53, 55-68.
Indigenous Methodologies in Education
Cole, P. (2017). An Indigenous research narrative: Ethics and protocols over time and space. Qualitative Inquiry, 23(5), 343–351.
Cole, P. (2002). Aboriginalizing methodology: Considering the canoe. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(4), 447-459.
Pidgeon, M. (2018). Moving between theory and practice within an Indigenous research paradigm. Qualitative research, 19(4), 418-436.
Whiteduck, M. (2013). “But it’s our story. Read it”: Stories my grandfather told me and writing for continuance. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 2, 72-92.
UBC Indigenous Research Guide:
Allin, L. (2014). Collaboration between staff and students in the scholarship of teaching and learning: The potential and the problems. Teaching & Learning Inquiry. 2(1), 95-102. doi:10.2979/teachlearninqu.2.1.95.
Brew, A. (2011). Higher education research and the scholarship of teaching and learning: The pursuit of excellence. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(2).
Case, J. (2015). Knowledge for teaching, knowledge about teaching: exploring the links between education research, scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) and scholarly teaching. Journal of Education, 61.
Chick, N. (2013). Difference, privilege, and power in the scholarship of teaching and learning: The value of humanities SOTL. In McKinney K. (Ed.), The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning In and Across the Disciplines. Indiana University Press.
Friberg, J., & McKinney, K. (Eds.). (2019). Applying the scholarship of teaching and learning beyond the individual classroom. Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctvpb3w0t
Geertsema, J. (2016). Academic development, SoTL and educational research. International Journal for Academic Development, 21(2), 122–134.
Larsson, M., Mårtensson, K., Price, L., & Roxå, T. (2017). Constructive friction? Exploring patterns between educational research and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In The 2nd EuroSoTL Conference, Lund, Sweden.
Mathany, C., Clow, K. M., & Aspenlieder, E. D. (2017). Exploring the role of the scholarship of teaching and learning in the context of the professional identities of faculty, graduate students, and staff in higher education. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8(3).
McKinney, K. (2012). Increasing the impact of SoTL: Two sometimes neglected opportunities. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(1).
Miller-Young, J., & Yeo, M. (2015). Conceptualizing and communicating SoTL: A framework for the field. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 3(2), 37-53. doi:10.2979/teachlearninqu.3.2.37
Pechenkina, E. (2020). Chasing impact: The tale of three SoTL studies. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 8(1), 91-107.
Potter, M. K., & Kustra, E. (2011). The relationship between scholarly teaching and SoTL: Models, distinctions, and clarifications. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(1).
Tight, M. (2018). Tracking the scholarship of teaching and learning. Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 2(1), 61-78.
Trigwell, K., & Shale, S. (2004). Student learning and the scholarship of university teaching. Studies in higher education, 29(4), 523-536.
Webb, A., Hubball, H., Clarke, A., & Ellis, S. (2020). Strategic approaches to SoEL inquiry within and across disciplines: Twenty-year impact of an international faculty development program in diverse university contexts. Global Research in Higher Education, 3(1).
Alvarez-Bell, R. M., Wirtz, D. & Bian, H. (2017). Identifying keys to success in innovative teaching: Student engagement and instructional practices as predictors of student learning in a course using a Team-Based Learning approach. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 5(2).
Andreychik, M. R., & Martinez, V. (2019). Flipped vs. traditional: An analysis of teaching techniques in finance and psychology. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 7(2), 154-167.
Chick, N., Karis, T., & Kernahan, C. (2009). Learning from their own learning: How metacognitive and meta-affective reflections enhance learning in race-related courses. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 3(1).
Dancy, M. H., & Beichner, R. J. (2002). But are they learning? Getting started in classroom evaluation. Cell Biology Education, 1(3), 87-94.
Healey, M., Matthews, K. E., & Cook-Sather, A. (2020). Writing about Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Creating and Contributing to Scholarly Conversations across a Range of Genres. Elon, USA: Elon University Centre for Engaged Learning.
Levkoe, C. Z., Brail, S., & Daniere, A. (2014). Engaged pedagogy and transformative learning in graduate education: A service-learning case study. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 44(3), 68-85.
Popenici, S.A.D., & Kerr, S. (2017). Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and learning in higher education. Research & Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 12(1), 1-13.
Tembrevilla, G., Nesbit, S., Ellis, N., & Ostafichuk, P. (2022) Developing transdisciplinarity in first‐year engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 112, 43-63.