ISoTL Leadership

The leadership team implements and co-ordinates the activities and services of the Institute. This includes working collaboratively with faculty members, staff and graduate research assistants supporting their engagement with scholarly activities related to teaching and learning. We build relationships with academic leaders across UBC in order to encourage involvement in SoTL research and to grow institutional recognition for SoTL activities. We strive to sustain and expand a community of SoTL practitioners as well as support the student network of SoTL Specialists.

  • Elisa Baniassad

    elisa baniassad profile image


    Professor of Teaching, Computer Science

    ebani [at]

  • Adriana Briseño-Garzón

    Adriana Briseño-Garzón profile image

    Senior Manager, Research and Evaluation

    adriana.briseno [at]

  • Trish Varao-Sousa

    Evaluation & Research Consultant

    trish.varao-sousa [at]

  • Natasha Pestonji-Dixon

    Natasha Pestonji-Dixon profile image

    Evaluation & Research Consultant

    natasha.pestonji-dixon [at]